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3 Common Home Security Mistakes

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Even if you live in a very safe neighborhood, home security should never be something you take for granted. There are certain things every homeowner should and should not be doing to ensure the safety of their home and family. At A1 Lock and Key LLC, we value safety above all else, so today we’re […]

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Is Social Media Putting Your Home at Risk?

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The Internet and social media have created a whole new world for family and friends to share their lives. And while it’s fun to let your followers know what is going on in your life, there is definitely a danger of sharing too much information. At A1 Lock and Key LLC, we want you to […]

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How to Keep Your Car Safe

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Aside from your house, your car is likely one of the biggest investments you’ve made. Even if you don’t drive a high-end luxury vehicle, you have still put in a significant amount of money, and you depend on your car regularly. That’s why it’s important to take steps to make sure your car is safe […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Try to Break into Your Own Car

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If you’ve ever found yourself locked out of your own car, you know how frustrating it can be. Typically this happens when you’re running late or otherwise having a bad day, and getting locked out is just the icing on the cake. However, as tempting as it can be to try and solve this problem […]

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3 Steps to Take After a Break-In

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No one wants to think that their home could potentially get broken into. A home invasion is every homeowner’s worst nightmare, and we’d probably all just like to pretend it would never happen. However, even if you take all the necessary steps to ensure your home’s safety, it may still fall victim to burglary, and […]

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3 Times to Consider Replacing Your Office Locks

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Business owners have a lot of different responsibilities. From running the actual business to keeping their employees safe and happy- the job is never-ending. However, one area where a business owner must never neglect is the security of their office. With that in mind, A1 Lock and Key LLC is discussing three times you may […]

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Back-to-School Tips

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Can you believe it’s already time to send the kids back to school? Summer flew by and the busyness of school is upon us. Depending on the ages of your children, back-to-school time can be an opportunity to discuss home safety and new routines. Perhaps you have older children that drive themselves to school, or […]

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Keep Your Home Safe in Summer

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Summer is in full swing here in Indiana and homeowners are taking full advantage of the beautiful Midwestern weather. Without a doubt, summer is when most homeowners take time to unwind and spend more time with family and friends. However, it’s important to also keep in mind that opportunist thieves could be right around the […]

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3 Locks That Apartment Complexes Should Regularly Replace

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If you are the owner or manager of an apartment complex, you know that keeping your tenants safe is an important part of your job. Regularly changing certain locks around the complex will not only help your tenants feel safe, it will also increase the overall security of the buildings you manage. Listed below are […]

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Do I Need to Replace My Locks?

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Most homeowners don’t think of replacing locks as a necessary part of homeownership. After all, if the locks are still functional, why replace them? However, burglaries can happen to anyone, even in the safest of neighborhoods, so taking steps to ensure your family’s safety is a good idea. At A1 Lock and Key LLC, we […]

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